Contract Window
Modified on 2018/12/18 06:51 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized
Left Click Price Centering
Single click price centering on a left mouse click while over the price column of a contract window.This can be set to the following.
Center the depth around the price that was clicked.
Center the depth at the current bid and offer in the current Contract window.
Market all windows:
Center the depth in all open Contract windows.
Right Click Price Centering
Single click price centering on a right mouse click while over the price column of a contract window.This can be set to the following.
Center the depth around the price that was clicked.
Center the depth at the current bid and offer in the current Contract window.
Market all windows:
Center the depth in all open Contract windows.
Show on Price Column
Displays the last trade price on the price column of the contract window.
Average Fill Price Display
Average Open Fill:
Calculate using the FIFO matched open fills only.
Day Breakeven:
Calculate using all the fills for the day = sum(buys)-sum(sells)/net
Open Until closed:
Calculate using increasing open positions only. Average only changes when a position is increased and not when it is reduced.
Ladder Refresh Optimization Level
A performance optimization that prevents unnecessary screen updates to reduce load on the application especially when running a large number of windows during busy market times. This is something you can change on the fly, we would not recommend ever going to disabled. In extreme busy markets we would look at possibly setting it to a slower setting. You really should not see any difference as the updates it is preventing should not affect the data you are seeing, if anything you should see an improvement.
Price Limits
Whether or not to display The exchanges price limits in gray on the contract window.
Mode Countdown
Select to display a countdown to the next market mode change on the contract window. Only works on markets where there is an exchange broadcasted trading schedule.
Mode Countdown Time
The number of seconds to countdown to the next market mode change.
84000 seconds is the max.
Flatten Postion
Adds the flatten position tool to the contract window toolbar.
Trailing Orders
Adds the Trailing Order tool to the contract window toolbar.
Order Templates
Enables the Order Templates.
Order Types
Adds the Order Types tool to the contract window toolbar.
Adds the OCO tool to the contract window toolbar.
Adds the GTC tool to the contract window toolbar.
Activation Orders
Adds the Activation Orders tool to the contract window toolbar.
Max Show Orders
Adds the Max Show Orders tool to the contract window toolbar. These are also called Iceberg orders.
Adds a separate Stop tool to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
Stop Limit
Adds a separate Stop limit tool to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
Stop Same Limit
Adds a separate Stop Same Limit tool to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
Adds a separate Market to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
Adds a separate Market If Touched to the contract window toolbar and removes the too from the order types drop down.
Drag Drop
Orders can be revised with a drag and drop on the contract window. A revision can either be initiated on the most recent order entered at a given price or on all orders working at a given price.
Display Right
Displays the pull tool on the left or on the right.